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Natural Remedies for Developmental Delays

More and more parents are worried about delayed development in kids. A study in India by the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH) found that homeopathy can help children grow and develop better. The study followed kids with different delays and health issues and saw big improvements after they got regular homeopathic treatment. These kids got healthier, learned better, and felt happier—showing how homeopathy supports the whole person. Check out some natural remedies that may help with developmental delays!

Homeopathic Treatment for ADHD and Autism

1. Homeopathy for ADHD

A study by Frei and Thurneysen (2001) looked at how homeopathy helps kids with ADHD. It was a fair test where neither the kids nor the doctors knew who was getting real homeopathic treatment and who was getting a fake one (a placebo). The study included 62 kids, and after three months, the results were clear—63% of the kids who got homeopathy showed big improvements, while only 7% of the placebo group did. This shows that homeopathy could be a helpful way to manage ADHD symptoms in children!

2. Homeopathy for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

A study called A Prospective Study of Homeopathy for Treatment of Autistic Children by Oberai et al. (2013) looked at how homeopathy helps kids with autism. The study followed 60 children who got personalized homeopathic treatments for a year. Their progress was measured using a special checklist (ATEC) to track changes. The results were exciting—75% of the kids showed big improvements in talking, social skills, and fewer repetitive behaviours. The strong results suggest that homeopathy could be a helpful support for kids with autism!

Natural Remedies For Developmental Delays

Childhood is a time of fast growth, both in the body and the mind. It’s important to support kids in a way that’s gentle and natural. Homeopathy takes a whole-body approach to help with physical, mental, and emotional development. Remedies are chosen based on each child’s unique needs, helping the body heal itself. These super-diluted medicines are safe, and gentle, and can be a great way to support kids as they grow!

1. Stramonium

  • This remedy is often used for children who have learning disabilities with fears, phobias, and nightmares. They may be easily startled and can scream or be aggressive when put in a stressful situation.

2. Baryta Carbonica

  • Baryta Carb is used for children who show signs of developmental delay, both mentally and physically. It is helpful for shy children, who have difficulty learning or appear younger than their age.

3. Silicea

  • Silicea may be considered for children with learning disabilities who are perfectionistic, shy, and anxious. They may have difficulty making decisions and can get recurrent infections.

4. Lycopodium

  • Lycopodium is given to children with learning disabilities who are smart but may struggle with memory and concentration. They often have a fear of public speaking and may suffer from digestive issues.

5. Tuberculinum

  • For children who are restless, impulsive, and have a strong desire for change and stimulation. They may be sensitive to noise and have a history of recurrent infections.

These are just a few of the many homeopathic remedies out there! With thousands to choose from, finding the right one for your child can make a big difference. A trained homeopath can help create a personalized plan that supports your child's unique growth and development.

Various amber glass bottles and jars with green herbs and flowers on a wooden table. A rustic, earthy background adds a natural vibe.

Tissue Salts: Building Blocks for Optimal Growth

Tissue salts, also known as cell salts, are great in supporting the body. These minerals are essential for the cells to function properly. They are important during periods of fast growth. Tissue salts like Calcarea Phosphorica (Calc Phos) and Kali Phosphoricum (Kali Phos) are foundational building blocks for bones, teeth, muscles, and nerves. By making sure the body has the right amount of these essential minerals, tissue salts support optimal growth and development, helping children thrive naturally.

1. Calcarea Phosphorica

  • This salt is important for bones and teeth. It helps muscles and nerves to work better, making sure your child grows strong and healthy.

2. Kali Phosphoricum

  • This salt supports the nervous system. It's really helpful during times of fast growth or when a child is under stress.

As a parent, you're always looking for the best ways to help your child grow. Homeopathy, with its natural and gentle remedies, is a great way to support them. Whether it's teething, enhancing cognitive skills, or boosting emotionally, homeopathy is amazing.


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